Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Death Cafe Ann Arbor with Merilynne Rush

Next Ann Arbor 
Death Cafe with Merilynne Rush:
Saturday, May 18
10 am to noon
Crazy wisdom tea room
114 S Main St
Ann Arbor.

Merilynne writes:

The last Death Cafe in Ann Arbor was very intense for me. I experienced the death of two close friends recently and was deeply affected. Both memorial services were that same day at the same time and I had to choose which one to go to.

Our Death Cafe conversation centered on the question, "How do you approach your own death?" It made me realize that how I would LIKE to approach my death and how I might ACTUALLY approach my death may be very different. Some felt very strongly that they could embrace the unknown and find comfort in silence, where others really had trouble with what that means and how to do that. Other thoughts:

  • I don't want to die alone
  • The definition of a bad death is being in denial
The book Life After Life was recommended.

We also discussed the concept of "allowing natural death" rather than "do not resuscitate," and we talked about how it is very difficult to allow a natural death these days. How strange!

Ann Arbor Death Cafe events continue to consist of at least 2/3rds new people each time. It's great to have new faces.

I'm looking forward to the next one on Saturday, May 18, at the Crazy Wisdom Tea Room, 114 S. Main in Ann Arbor.


  1. Have you decided on themes for subsequent Cafes? I'd love to know more!

  2. Do we need to RSVP for this event?


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