Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Ottawa's First Death Café with Emma Woodman and Kate Durie

Ottawa's First Death Café

Wednesday, June 19th 2013
7pm - 9pm
Illume Espresso Bar 1433 Wellington Street West Ottawa, Ontario

Tickets are FREE, but space is limited. Please reserve your ticket via Eventbrite

A Death Café offers a creative way to explore how death can inform and inspire the way we live. As a rapidly growing movement, you will find a Death Café happening somewhere in the world almost every single week.

At Ottawa's very first Death Café, our discussion on death will quickly become one of inclusion, acceptance and openness, while increasing our vernacular and comfort with the topic. Whether it’s facing our own inevitable death or the loss of someone we love, these conversations can prove to be inspiring, thought-provoking, community building … and invaluable.

Your hosts, Emma Woodman & Kate Durie, will be transforming Illume Espresso Bar into their very own living room - where you are invited for tea, coffee, cake and conversation. Come and see for yourself!

Tickets are free, but space is limited so reserve your spot today!

Your Hosts

Emma Woodman
Owner & Event Planner :: Hereafter Events
Starting Hereafter Events has shown me how taboo it can be to talk about death openly in our society. As parents, we are expected to spend months preparing for the birth of our children, and yet the end of our lives is almost always an afterthought; we end up leaving our families to make the most complex decisions on what is perhaps the worst day of their lives. I've also realized that giving someone the permission to open up about their experiences with death and loss can make for a beautiful conversation, and I hope that this event will help us to lead more meaningful lives while we are still here.
Twitter: @hereafterevents

Kate DurieYoga :: Art :: Life Coach
After a Traumatic Brain Injury shattered my world - wide open - I embraced life as the most brutal and brilliant teacher of all. Loss, pain, and grief are all inevitable truths of being human. When our world shatters - we are blessed with the opportunity to choose which pieces to pick up, which pieces to leave behind, and which pieces to develop or create. There is great wisdom in loss, yet we so often struggle to talk about it. Building community around death and loss is powerful beyond measure.
Website: (coming soon) +
Twitter: @kateudurie

1 comment:

  1. Dear Emma and Kate,
    I would very much like to join you at the very first Death Cafe in Ottawa which you have so thoughtfully planned and organized. Unfortunately I have to be at work out of the city on June 19th.
    I would very much like to meet you both, perhaps for a coffee later on in June if that would suit you.
    All the Best for the DC!


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